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Mind Control's content

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Who are America's 'useful idiots'?

Our controllers maintain our demonization and disgust of certain demographics in the population for us NOT to learn about the actual realistic, truthful, and non-biased messages from their entire scope of messages. "Divide and rule."

Satanism and MK Ultra

It seems that our world is being ran by a group of satanic people who sneakily and gradually shove their religion to us and our kids' brains without anyone paying attention

Cathy O’Brien and MK-Ultra

Cathy O'Brien, the author of Trans Formation of America, is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the CIA's MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation.
O'Brien, has been prostituted by her father (who also sexually abused her from birth) from early childhood to local policeman and other clients. Further on O'Brien was bought from her father by the CIA and was mind controlled to become a sex slave (together with her daughter!) who served figures like, George Bush senior, president Gerald Ford, Dick Cheney, Madeleine Albright, Hillary and Bill Clinton to name only few prominent ones. 

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