The following is a list of websites that we decided are serving truth rather than spreading lies and fake news.
This list will grow as members of the community recommend more truthful sources.
- Mercola
- The Common Sense Show
- The Corbett Report
- iToldYou!
- Andrew Kaufman
- Rumble
- Bitchute
- Geo-Engineering Watch
- The High Wire
- Fight With Kash
- Crazz Files
- Open Vaers
- Ice Age Farmer
- Be Freedom
- Amazing Polly
- Media Monarchy
- Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
- Natural News
- David Martin
- David Martin Youtube
- Questioning Covid
- The Last America Vagabond
- Jason Christoff
- Geopolitics & Empire
- Project Camelot
- Dark Journalist
- Weston A. Price Foundation
- Wrenching The Gears
- Stop World Control
- Consortium News
- Open Secrets
- X22 Report
- Wrong Kind of Green
- Book of Ours
- The Grey Zone
- Reignite Democracy Australia
- La Quinta Columna
- Real Progressives
- Children Health Defense
- Heart Over Hexagons
- Circle of the Dolphins
- Center For an Informed America
- Vaccine Damage
- Project Veritas
- The Jimmy Dore Show
- Earth Newspaper
- The Mel K Show
- Banned Video
- How Bad
- The Epoch Times
- The Rotational MonoFeeding diet (RMF)
- Raw School
- Mastering Diabetes
- Nutrition Facts
- Nutrition Studies
- Richard Gage 9/11 Truth
- Life Site News
- Denis Rancourt
- Freedom Platform
- Conservative Woman UK
- Spike Protein News
- Jim Stone
- R for resistance
- Neuclear Planet
- Richard Vobes
- John Campbell
- Rotational Mono Feeding
- Raw School
- Mastering Diabetes
- Nutrition Facts
Want to add a new truth-speaking and credible website to this search? Drop us a line or comment on this post below with the name of the website/channel and why it should be included on our list.