Truthers websites iToldYou! is indexing | iToldYou!

Truthers websites iToldYou! is indexing

The following is a list of websites that we decided are serving truth rather than spreading lies and fake news.
This list will grow as members of the community recommend more truthful sources.

  1. Mercola
  2. The Common Sense Show
  3. The Corbett Report
  4. iToldYou!
  5. Andrew Kaufman
  6. Rumble
  7. Bitchute
  9. Geo-Engineering Watch
  10. The High Wire
  11. Fight With Kash
  12. Crazz Files
  13. Open Vaers
  14. Ice Age Farmer
  15. Be Freedom
  16. Amazing Polly
  17. Media Monarchy
  18. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
  19. Natural News
  20. David Martin
  21. David Martin Youtube
  22. Questioning Covid
  23. The Last America Vagabond
  24. Jason Christoff
  25. Geopolitics & Empire
  26. Project Camelot
  27. Dark Journalist
  28. Weston A. Price Foundation
  29. Wrenching The Gears
  30. Stop World Control
  31. Consortium News
  32. Open Secrets
  33. X22 Report
  34. Wrong Kind of Green
  35. Book of Ours
  36. The Grey Zone
  37. Reignite Democracy Australia
  38. La Quinta Columna
  39. Real Progressives
  40. Children Health Defense
  41. Heart Over Hexagons
  42. Circle of the Dolphins
  43. Center For an Informed America
  44. Vaccine Damage
  45. Project Veritas
  46. The Jimmy Dore Show
  47. Earth Newspaper
  48. The Mel K Show
  49. Banned Video
  50. How Bad
  51. The Epoch Times
  52. ICAN
  53. The Rotational MonoFeeding diet (RMF)
  54. Raw School
  55. Mastering Diabetes
  56. Nutrition Facts
  57. Nutrition Studies
  58. Richard Gage 9/11 Truth
  59. Life Site News
  60. Denis Rancourt
  61. Freedom Platform
  62. Conservative Woman UK
  63. Spike Protein News
  64. Jim Stone
  65. R for resistance
  66. Neuclear Planet
  67. Richard Vobes
  68. John Campbell
  69. Rotational Mono Feeding
  70. Raw School
  71. Mastering Diabetes
  72. Nutrition Facts

Want to add a new truth-speaking and credible website to this search? Drop us a line or comment on this post below with the name of the website/channel and why it should be included on our list.