Is there a connection between vaccines and autism spectrum disorders, autoimmune disorders, dementia, alzheimer, and other diseases? |

Is there a connection between vaccines and autism spectrum disorders, autoimmune disorders, dementia, alzheimer, and other diseases?

Here is a topic that the pharmaceutical companies do not want us to discuss and dig into. Moreover, those companies are using the media and government to censor any information that supports the hypothesis that there is a correlation between vaccines and injuries. From corporate fact-checkers through MSM news to official representatives, the public information recorded and printed regarding the above correlation is completely biased and supports the pharmaceutical companies' narrative.

Autism In numbers:
Autism was first described in 1943 by Kanner, as something one gets from his parent when he or she is born. Thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, was first used in vaccines in the early 1930s. Prior to 1970, the prevalence of autism was 1 in 2000. In 1970 it was 1 in 1000 and in 1996 the NIH estimated it to be 1 in 500. In the year 2000 reports from the education sector revealed the incidence to be 1 in 150. In 2021, the CDC reported (about data from 2018) that approximately 1 in 44 children in the U.S. is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Currently, in 2021, a child gets about 45 doses of vaccines from birth until he or she is 18 years old. * More information is needed here to compare with past vaccine-schedule for children.

If the government and vaccine industries truly cared about our health, wouldn’t vaccines contain things like vitamins, ocean mineral blends, flavonoids and other plant extracts that have been proven to boost immunity rather than infected animal tissue and harsh poisons like mercury, formaldehyde and aluminum?

Every jab contributes to increased accumulation of poisons in the brain of children, causing widespread brain and bodily damage that is often labeled and officially diagnosed as autism.


Apparently, there are heavy metals in the vaccines, and have been for decades. The CDC admits that those toxins are there.

A family doctor who treated hundreds of Autistic children testified in July 2020 before the Committee on Government Reform in the House of Representatives. Here is some of what she had to say about the connection she sees between vaccines, their ingredients and ASD:

We have simplified the problem in our practice. We test all developmentally delayed children for the presence of heavy metals. 

We perform a number of tests on blood, urine, hair and stool in the autistic children. The abnormal findings that we see in autism involving the immune system, GI tract, and central nervous system are also seen in mercury poisoning. These include, but are not limited to changes in T lymphocytes, low levels of glutathione, low sulfate levels, IgA deficiency, and the presence of myelin basic protein antibodies in brain. 

The US government paid Autism vaccine-injured families millions of dollars in the past.

From the Forensic Nurse - MRC5 in injections like MMR, Chickenpox, Hepatitis A & B, the Polio vaccine and others:

From Natural News - For starters, children are not born with autism. It appears during infancy or childhood, and is brought on by an overload of neurotoxins either consumed, injected or ingested from environmental factors, or all of the above. In fact, the recent autism spectrum disorder (ASD) spike over the past two decades in the USA directly coincides with the vaccine schedule increase, by quantity and frequency, enforced by the CDC. To understand why autism is next to non-existent for the Amish, consider that the Amish have been “cut off” from American scientific and medical “progress” for centuries, thus they’ve had less exposure to the major factors that trigger autism, including the most likely proponent–vaccines.
Fortunately for the Amish, they’re also opting out of three of the most controversial vaccines on the market today: hepatitis B, HPV (human papillomavirus) and of course, the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella combo) that was implicated in the CDC vaccine-autism-link and biggest medical cover-up in history, ever. Conflicting with CDC claims, the multi-dose version of hepatitis B still contains thimerosal (50% mercury). The immature central nervous systems and the liver of Amish newborns are spared this volatile toxin thanks to their parent’s religious beliefs. Amish children experience hardly any learning disabilities at all, in fact. Nor are the Amish experiencing typical US diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. This could all be because they don’t eat GMO, take chemical pharmaceuticals, or vaccines. Surely, no government run regulatory agency will ever run this comparison of Amish health vs. non-Amish health, but the reality speaks for itself.

Pilot study found that Neurodevelopment disorders in kids are associated with vaccines:

Vaccination also remained significantly associated with NDD after controlling for other factors, whereas preterm birth, long considered a major risk factor for NDD, was not associated with NDD after controlling for the interaction between preterm birth and vaccination.

The Polio vaccine disaster in India
Infowars Reporter Melissa Melton Confronts Bill Gates on His Polio vaccines and the damage it caused to 48,000 children who became paralyzed from those vaccines.


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