Health's content

Health's content

On this page you can find all the predictions and promises related to Health. Click the title or an image to see more details about each content. You! can also add a prediction/promise to this page on your own.
Father rips pharmacist apart after sons injured from the CV JAB
The "gene therapy" aftermath (Viewer discretion is advised)
Health commissioner of NYC said that there is no epidemic among kids
The battle for humanity
90% of the population will die following the Globalists' agenda
Klaus Schwab (from the world Economic Forum) and Albert Burla (from Pfizer) bragging about their de-population success
Open Letter – #StoptheWHO Call to Action: Oppose International Health Regulation Amendments this May 2022
Will the US give up its medical sovereignty on May 22nd, 2022 to the WHO?
Embalmers find veins and arteries filled with cloths
Remdesivir, Monoclonal Antibody, and King Cobra venom
The Globalists' Bio-labs around the world
Was the Canadian convoy staged?
Are we living in a medical tyranny?
Luc Montagnier, the discoverer of HIV, who resisted the global medical tyranny
Dr. Mercola: The CDC lists vaccinated deaths as unvaccinated
Is there a connection between vaccines and autism spectrum disorders, autoimmune disorders, dementia, alzheimer, and other diseases?
80 percent of (C) hospitalizations in Israel are of jabbed people
If Greta Thunberg was a truther
People who refuse the Covid vaccine are Racist, Extremist and Misogynist, Justin Trudeau
Covid's Era sports injuries and death


68 records found.