Gilbert Gottfried Stands For Offensive Humor Despite Immense Human Tragedy |

Gilbert Gottfried Stands For Offensive Humor Despite Immense Human Tragedy

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Several years ago, comedian Gilbert Gottfried (1955-2012) offered thoughts and perspective about making light of some of the worst things that can strike humanity.

He starts this interview by referring to Holocaust survivor, author, and Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel (1928-2016). Halfway through, he speaks in detail about performing in New York City in autumn 2011 and joking, on stage, about September 11, 2001:



There is 1 Comment

Aviad Giat's picture
He was definitely an intense guy who went all the way in with his jokes. When he lost his audience for a moment and then gained it back with the horrific joke he realized who he has business with. hahaha Comedy can be a good way to expose how a group of people really feels about cntroversial topics.

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