Nano particles in the Covid vaccines |

Nano particles in the Covid vaccines

Researchers from Korea and Japan have identified artificial nanoparticles in Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines. These nanoparticles have the ability to assemble into larger structures over time and react to electromagnetic fields. This suggests that individuals who received these COVID-19 mRNA vaccines may now have self-assembling nanoparticles circulating in their bodies.

Recent research has uncovered some intriguing and potentially troubling findings about these vaccines. Examining them under a powerful microscope, scientists discovered unusual structures and particles that were not initially expected. Advanced laboratory techniques revealed a large number of self-assembling particles within the vaccines, ranging in size from 1 to 100 micrometers. These particles took on various shapes, including worm-like forms, discs, spirals, and chains, and some even resembled carbon nanotubes or thin, transparent membranes.
Having those artificial bio-technology in one's body can lead to injuries and death, as described in this post.

What’s particularly noteworthy is how these particles changed over time. When observed over several weeks, simple shapes evolved into more complex structures. This raises concerns about potential contamination and the presence of unknown nanotechnology within the vaccines. This adds up to the finding of other foreign materials in the Covid vaccines, like Graphene Oxide.

The study's findings suggest that there may be issues with cellular toxicity and that the vaccines might not be as safe and effective as originally believed. Given these troubling discoveries, there is a growing call for halting the administration of these vaccines until more research is conducted to fully understand the implications and ensure their safety.




There are 2 Comments

brandess sorrels's picture
Someone close to me sent this as a response to the Korea study. Is there anything solid in her response? Is there anything solid adding to the study- further confirmations? :::::: this journal is an anti- vax propaganda sheet, not a peer reviewed scientific journal. The International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research could easily be mistaken for a respectable publication. Its stated aim is to “bring rigorous independent and unbiased research to the subject of vaccine safety and analysis.” All 18 members of its editorial board have university degrees, though that doesn’t make them relevant authorities. The editor-in-chief, for example, is neither a scientist nor a medical doctor but a retired professor of linguistics. Its senior editor, meanwhile, is a Canadian neuroscientist with a long history of spreading scare stories about vaccines. In short, the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research is not the publisher of rigorous and unbiased research that it purports to be. Curiously, the anti-vax journal has ties with a non-medical publication in a seemingly unrelated field. No fewer than four of its authors have also written articles for Propaganda in Focus, a website that claims to be “a forum for expert opinion and analysis about propaganda and its consequences.” One of the four — Daniel Broudy, professor of rhetoric and applied linguistics at Okinawa Christian University in Japan — is not only a member of the journal’s editorial board but also a co-editor of Propaganda in Focus.
AviG's picture
For me this publication seems very much, at least from what I read, on the truth side of the history.
Here is another short text from their front page that I collected this morning that illustrates their stand against big pharma and against the poisonous shots:


Volume 3, Issue 2, addressing Injuries, Causes, & Treatments is rolling out now.


Whereas volume 2, issue 2, of the IJVTPR officially closed with the publication of

Garner, J. (2022). Health versus disorder, disease, and death: Unvaccinated persons are incommensurably healthier than vaccinated. International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research2(2), 670–686.

which sums up an entire era of trust in vaccine marketing, promotions, and the people wearing white coats and stethoscopes, we bid adieu with a sense of loss and not a few tears for the family members, friends, and the people we knew who were taken from us in the COVID Aftermath. We have not seen the end of that troubled time, presumably, but as Winston Churchill observed during some of the worst of World War II, we have seen "the end of the beginning". Now is the time for honorable people to join hands, shoulder to shoulder with each other and honest truth-seeking researchers and theoreticians who have no vested interest in the military-industrial complex that has swallowed up the medical-pharmaceutical industry.

With the end of the beginning of the COVID era now behind us, all prior articles and any published commentary on any of them remain open for further discussion following the format exemplified first in the Tuuminen comment on Benzi et al.: 

Tuuminen, T. (2022). Discussion and Commentary on the Preceding Article: A Question Concerning “Dark-Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna” by Benzi Cipelli et al. International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research2(2), 444.1-444.4.

and in the Santiago comment on Hughes: 

Santiago, D. (2022). A Partial Answer to the Question Posed by David A. Hughes, PhD, in the Article: “What is in the so-called COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity.” International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research2(2), 587–594."

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